
A quest ended.

Have you ever dreamed of making a recipe from your favorite restaurant? You know that certain flavor that taunts you. You try a dozen recipes that sound like a perfect match but to no avail. After time you give up and admit defeat. Years go past and that certain flavor just tugs at the back of your mind. Then you make a last ditch effort to find a recipe that might mimic that delectable flavor. By chance you stumble across a recipe that on a whim you try. In making it you have doubts that you will ever find success. Into the oven the item goes and you wait... Then at long last you remove it from the oven and you impatiently wait for it to cool a bit. A timid first bite is taken and with awe you realize that success is yours! You have the food of your dreams and cannot believe it. That is my day and my quest which has ended.