
So sad.

This week there was an awful accident in our town. A car failed to stop and went underneath the backside of a school bus. In a small town like this news travels fast. It wasn't long before the phone was ringing about the accident. No one knew who had been injured and wondered if we had heard anything. Later in the day an email arrived asking us to pray for the family of this young man who had lost his life. The young man was the son of a local pastor known to many families in our circle. It is funny how tragedy takes on an entirely new perspective the closer to home it hits. I cannot imagine the grief and sadness they must be facing at this moment in time and for many to come. It is interesting how people will speculate about the "why" behind and accident when they don't know the person impacted. People commented online in response to the newspaper article about how this young man must have been doing this or that in order to miss seeing the bus and stopping. It is not something I can imagine speculating on at this point because all I see is the grief in the faces and words of the people closest to him.