
Talking To Myself

After 16 years of marriage I should have fairly realistic expectations about having a conversation with my husband. For the most part we are on the same page about virtually everything. Each of us can comfortably make a decision knowing that the other one would tend be in support of that decision. Yet, there are still moments where we have what we call "Lunch meat" conversations. To understand a "lunch meat" conversation you must picture yourself in the midst of pouring out your heart about a certain topic to your spouse and instead of responding appropriately on topic he says something about how it would be a good idea to check into a new california mortgage rate. In my case my dear husband responded to my heartfelt tale by asking me if I had remembered "to buy lunch meat"? It is in these moments I realize that I am indeed talking to myself and I need to wait until some other time to have this particular conversation. The one good thing about this is we each now have a code word we use to let the other person know our mind simply is not where it should be and unless the world is coming to an end we need to postpone our discussion. I urge you to put the power of "lunch meat" to work in your own life!