Life on an city smallholding wherein we grow kids, critters, and an ever increasing DIY repertoire.
More canning...
I spent so much time this weekend canning that I almost cannot remember where the weekend went. My major project this weekend was canning even more apple sauce. We were given a couple of bushels of apples that we weren't expecting to get. They ended up being quite a project because they were not in prime shape. When the apple sauce was done being processed I found myself with a bunch of free venison that needed to be canned. This was also a bigger project than I anticipated. Since I was busy canning all that I decided why not just keep going, and I then put away 24 half-pints of mushrooms. Aside from the cost of the mushrooms the other food we put away had and estimated value of $130 considering everything was organic food. This was a totally worthwhile project.