
Busy weekend.

This weekend is going to be one of the busiest I have had in a long time. I am not really sure at this point how I am going to get everything done. We are supposed to be going camping for a couple days but need to do a bit of rv repair before that takes place. While I wait for my husband to make the repairs I am going to be canning. We are getting a couple bushels of peaches tomorrow which will need processed right away. Last night we were given a couple of bushels of early apples that are past their prime and will need processing immediately as well. We are going to try making cider out them. This will be our first time making cider and I have no idea how long it will take us. Our gardens need tended to as the the potatoes have died and there are beans just waiting to be picked. I have a bushel of tomatoes in the freezer that will need made into sauce before I run out of freezer space. So much to do in a such a short amount of time!