Life on an city smallholding wherein we grow kids, critters, and an ever increasing DIY repertoire.
A ball of nerves...
Here I sit in the midst of a panic attack. Not really but for me it might as well be. We have had a series of REALLY crappy neighbors in the rental next door and are now on the verge of getting new ones. I have absolutely no faith that these people will be any better than the guy who just moved out. The reason I have no hope is the new tenant is the cousin of the old tenant. The landlord assured my husband just 4 days ago that these people would not be moving in and tonight he hands over the keys to them. I have prayed daily for decent neighbors. It is really so much to ask that my children grow up in a quiet neighborhood where the F word is not being screamed starting at 6 am ? If it isn't unattended teenagers then it is screaming, music blaring neighbors. My husband says don't worry about it there is nothing we can do (other than call the cops) but he doesn't have to be home all day. Throw in the fact that we share a drive with these hooligans and it is all just a picnic in paradise. Hopefully the landlord at the very least has a no pets policy because I can just see the pit bulls and whatnot coming this way.