We could all use a little less clutter in our lives. These are some handy questions to ask yourself when it comes time to clean out a cluttered area. Just remember to be honest with yourself. I have a knack for bargaining myself into keeping things.
* Is this easy to use?
* Do I frequently use it?
* Is it enjoyable to use - e.g., It feels good in my hand.
* Is it easy to clean?
* Is it easy to store and does it earns its keep in storage space?
* Do I have too many of these?
* Can I do this task just as easily by hand (without the messy cleanup of a machine?)
* Does this tool really make the task easier and quicker, or is it just a cool gadget?
* Is it uncomplicated to use, clean and care for?
* Is it clean, in good shape, and ready for action?