
Littlest Man on the Move

Our littlest boy is just now around 5 months old. It is unbelievable when I consider that fact. I suppose I am loosing my opportunity very quickly to blame that extra "baggage" I am carrying in the mid section on baby weight huh?

Anyhow, littlest boy has been accidentally rolling over for a while now. Well yesterday he began to roll over with intent. It is so much fun to watch his little body is entirely focused on the task at hand as he methodically moves the top and bottom halves together. You can literally feel the wonder in his mind as he views the world from his new perspective. He however does not yet have much patience for this new perspective and quickly screams a request to be relocated to his starting position. Once relocated back on his back off again he goes to rolley polley his way back only to find himself where he wanted to be and somehow mad that he got there. (Somewhere in that sentence is insight into the lives of a great many adults I know :)