
WAHM Time Management Tips

Each day I am amazed at how hectic my day as a WAHM seems to be. Before I know it the day is over and I sit wondering what I truly accomplished that day. I spend a good bit of the day writing which results in a good portion of my day simply sitting in thought. I thought it might be helpful to put forth a few time management tips for all the WAHM's like myself:
Don't be a perfectionist - dust balls don't kill.
Learn to say NO! - Don't overschedule, you will just end up under delivering.
Prioritize - What is most important?
Utilize Technology - PDAs and wireless technology are your friend!
Have a Routine- Have your day mapped out.
Get Motivated - Visualize the end result.

Lastly, take a breather every now and then this will leave you rejuvenated and ready to plunge into the next task.