
WAHM Jobs - Ordinary and Extraordinary

Scouring the WAHM job listing is an adventure! Prior to leaving my previous career I considered myself extremely internet savvy and on top of what was going on in web based opportunities. I find myself sitting here feeling well behind the times in the world of WAHM jobs.

My impression of WAHM job options extended as far as stuffing envelops, daycare, and businesses like Avon or Mary Kay. It is this misconstrued WAHM viewpoint that may have kept me tethered to a brick and mortar job far beyond what was necessary. The very notion of taking responsibility for someone else's child on an ongoing basis makes me want to crawl into the fetal position and suck my thumb.

WAHM jobs today come in all shapes and sizes. Opportunities to be a WAHM include areas such as freelance writer, ads reviewer, online tutor, internet guide, home based customer service agent, and extend to more creative areas like phone psychic. The one WAHM opportunity that boggles my mind is "texting". I mistakenly thought this was a WAHM job in the secretarial field and nothing could be further from the truth!

Texting is a WAHM job that is similar to being a phone sex operator but makes use of text messaging. Bizarre to me that someone could get their jollies from a text message but it takes all kinds to make the world go round I suppose. While this is definitely not a WAHM career I will be pursuing a acknowledge that every WAHM does what she has to do and praise them for that.